Friday, October 28th, 2011: Banana bread with chocolate chips is one of the best things I've ever put in my mouth. I haven't posted anything recently because I got slammed with illness. Will be posting my success making vegan buttercream frosting very soon!
Sunday October 16th, 2011: A note on my delicious peanut butter chocolate chip cookies: I originally made 24 cookies the first night and them reserved enough batter for an additional 12 to be baked at a later date. I cooked them this afternoon, about a week later. The dough keeps fairly well, although when it's cold it is a bit harder to handle and the cookies turn out a little crumblier. I didn't feel like waiting so I scooped them anyway and they turned out just as delicious. If you have more patience, the dough is easier to handle at room temperature. My pumpkin cake was a huge success, the recipe was enough to make two small loaves although I accidentally made one Godzilla loaf. This week might toy with recipe for chocolate mint cookies for my sister! Also making another banana bread, although this time maybe with chocolate chips! What can't be made better with chocolate chips! xo
Friday October 7th, 2011: My health has stabilized a bit recently and I've decided I want to learn how to cook and bake better. This past week I rocked a mean batch of Minestrone soup, which I will include the recipe for here, and also an amazing vegan banana bread. Next recipe just in time for fall, a vegan pumpkin cake! Stay tuned! xo
Thursday August 18th, 2011: Vegetarians Who Dream of Steak is BACK after a year's hiatus! My health took a turn for the worst and it became too difficult for me to keep juggling a regular blog along with a full time job and a full time illness. I've been completely disabled from work since January, 2011, with no idea if I'll ever be able to return to the workforce. For a while my eating restrictions became more relaxed and I was able to eat a bit more like a regular person but I've started having the same old problems again and will be returning to my previous diet. Looking forward to sharing all my new food adventures with you! For more of me please check out my new blog 'Spoonless' @
Thursday August 12th, 2010: Tried another brand of vegan oven pizza last week with little success. Life Choices OrganiCuisine Cheeseless Vegetable pizza has a more sharp pizza-like flavor, which I like, but the crust was thin but didn't crisp up and the toppings were very, VERY soggy. They also put corn on it, which I never would have thought to put on a pizza and didn't much care for. Will be sticking with Amy's.
Wednesday July 28th, 2010: The Coconut Bliss "Dark Chocolate" flavor is currently saving my soul. When all else fails, sitting in bed with a tub of chocolate 'ice cream' does the trick. I find the texture softer than the "Naked Coconut" flavor I tried a couple weeks ago with only the very faintest echo of coconut underneath all the chocolaty goodness. It reminds me of the chocolate soft serve ice cream parlor ice cream from my childhood. Life is unideal; no posts this week, back up next week with delicious Sweets from the Earth cake and more.